Monday, February 2, 2009

New Junk at Thimbles - Lloyd

The plaid shown above comes in i think 12 different colors - after 10 it just gets confusing so please if I'm wrong... feel free to send me an angry notecard. One of the colors (which should count as two) is a gift to the thimbles update group and you can find it under notices tab if you join and look there. It's there, really. It's also for sale if you really really hate gifts. Each color is 95L and comes on all layers... since it's a unisex shirt it also comes with collars and cuffs sized for women and men (all based on my female and male shape... so ha... hahahahaha you'll have to edit them to fit yourself).

ALSO new - and personally my favorite is the dance party thingies.

These... I'm calling what happens after you wake up from a bizarre dream whence Liza Minnelli and bondage barbie are touching one another in dirty ways. It also comes on all layers... with I *think* almost every variation of ways to wear it... that's 32 layers per color and there are 5 colors for sale. The 6th color I'm holding back as a freebie for the Starlust Valentine's Hunt from Heck. Anyways. I forgot how much these are. I'm really tired. I've been awake way too long and my sleeping schedule is really off. I'm going to go sleep in my living room chair. So anyways, have a good night!!

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